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Property Management Tech Guide: Company Highlight


RueBaRue is a software tool designed to help with guest management and lock automation for vacation rental properties. It offers a range of features to assist with managing guests, including lock automation, guest messaging, and digital guestbooks.

Some of the key features of the tool include:

  • Digital guestbooks: A digital format that provides guests with all the information they need to plan their trip and enjoy their stay.
  • Text messaging: The ability to automatically send digital guestbooks, local area guides, guest satisfaction surveys, and more by text messaging or email.
  • Home guides: Detailed information about the vacation rental property and the local area, provided in an easy-to-navigate digital format.
  • Area guides: Customizable local area guides that provide guests with insights and recommendations from a local perspective.
  • Text automation: Automated text messaging and email communication with guests, including the ability to send digital guestbooks, local area guides, and guest satisfaction surveys.
  • Guest messaging: A platform for answering guest questions by text before and during their stay.
  • Extend guest stays: The ability to offer guests the option to extend their stay when there are gaps between bookings.
  • Text webchat: Live chat with potential guests via text messaging, and stay connected with them after they leave the website.
  • Guest reviews: A feature that makes it easy for guests to leave reviews on Google, helping potential guests discover the vacation rental property and increasing direct bookings.
  • Guest surveys: Smart surveys that guests can complete to provide feedback and preferences, address issues proactively, and learn about problems quickly.

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