
Vacation Rental Turnover Checklist: What To Know for Your Property

July 27, 2023

If you're a vacation rental owner or manager, you know you're constantly juggling various tasks. One of the most critical tasks you juggle is likely turnover cleaning. Ensuring a smooth, efficient rental turnover process is crucial to maintain cleanliness, guest satisfaction, and steady occupancy rates. So, how can you ensure your turnover process runs as smoothly as possible? A well-organized and comprehensive rental turnover checklist is the key to achieving consistent results.

Why a Turnover Checklist Is Critical for Your Property

A turnover checklist is a systematic guide for property managers and cleaning staff to follow during turnover so that you always know that your future guests will walk into a clean, warm, and inviting space. It ensures that every necessary task is completed efficiently, reduces the risk of oversights or missed steps, and helps maintain consistent quality across multiple turnovers. Here are a few reasons a turnover checklist is crucial for your property:

  1. Efficiency: A well-structured checklist helps streamline the turnover process Viy providing a clear outline of tasks that need completing. This saves time, reduces confusion, and enables cleaning staff to work more quickly.
  2. Consistency: A standardized checklist ensures consistent cleanliness and presentation across all your rental properties. This is essential for guest satisfaction and positive reviews.
  3. Thoroughness: A detailed checklist ensures no area or task is overlooked during turnover cleaning. It is a reminder for essential cleaning, sanitization, and maintenance steps, leaving no room for mistakes or omissions.
  4. Organization: A checklist helps you stay organized by visually representing the turnover process. It allows you to track progress, delegate tasks effectively, and ensure everything is completed on time.

Crucial Steps in Your Turnover Checklist

So now that you know why a turnover checklist is essential, you may wonder what your turnover checklist should contain. Let's explore the crucial steps to include in your vacation rental turnover checklist.

Prepare the Property for Cleaning

Before diving into the deep cleaning process, preparing the property is essential. This step involves removing any belongings left behind by the previous guests, checking for property damage and documenting any issues that need attention. It's also essential to ensure all utilities function correctly and the property is safe for the cleaning staff to begin work.

Detailed Cleaning and Sanitization

Whether cleaning on your own or hiring a professional cleaning service, thorough cleaning and sanitization are the core components of the turnover process. Your checklist should include tasks such as dusting all surfaces, vacuuming or mopping floors, cleaning windows, sanitizing bathrooms and kitchen areas, and ensuring all linens and towels are fresh and clean. Pay special attention to high-touch areas and frequently overlooked spots to maintain a pristine environment.

Many divide their cleaning and sanitation checklists by room. Here is an example of what that may look like:

Living Room

  • Dust all surfaces, including shelves, furniture, and decorations.
  • Vacuum or sweep the floors, including under furniture.
  • Clean the windows and window sills.
  • Wipe down electronic devices, such as the TV and stereo system.
  • Spot clean any stains on upholstery or carpets.
  • Empty and clean ashtrays or dispose of any trash.
  • Straighten up pillows and cushions.
  • Clean any glass surfaces, such as coffee tables or display cabinets.
  • Remove any cobwebs from corners or ceilings.
  • Ensure any rugs are clean and properly positioned.


  • Clean and disinfect countertops, cutting boards, and food preparation areas.
  • Wipe down and sanitize all kitchen appliances, including the stovetop, microwave, and refrigerator handles.
  • Wash dishes, including pots, pans, and utensils, or load them into the dishwasher.
  • Empty and clean the refrigerator, discarding expired items and wiping down shelves.
  • Sweep and mop the floors, paying attention to spills and sticky spots.
  • Clean the sink and faucets, removing any grime or buildup.
  • Clean the inside and outside of the microwave.
  • Wipe down the cabinets and drawer handles.
  • Dispose of any trash and replace the trash bags.
  • Clean any kitchen windows or mirrors.


  • Clean and sanitize the toilet, including the seat, lid, and bowl.
  • Scrub and disinfect the bathtub and shower, removing soap scum and mildew.
  • Wipe down bathroom surfaces like the sink, countertop, and vanity.
  • Clean the mirrors and remove any spots or streaks.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floors, focusing on corners and baseboards.
  • Mop the floors with a disinfectant cleaner.
  • Replace towels and clean any bathroom rugs.
  • Empty and clean out the trash bin.
  • Wipe down fixtures, such as faucets and towel holders.
  • Clean any windows or ventilation fans in the bathroom.

Remember that these are just examples, and the specific cleaning tasks may vary based on individual preferences, the room size and any unique features, amenities, or fixtures present.

Safety and Maintenance Inspections

During turnover cleaning, it's essential to watch for any safety issues or additional maintenance concerns that may need to be brought to the attention of the property owner. This could include broken appliances, leaking plumbing fixtures, and HVAC systems that don't work correctly. Be sure to have the turnover staff test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers periodically to guarantee the safety of future guests.

Catching these issues early can significantly save on maintenance costs. Staff should document all concerns so that you can submit maintenance requests and action is taken promptly.

Restock Essential Supplies

Check your inventory of essential supplies and restock them as needed. This includes toilet paper, hand soap, dishwashing detergent, garbage bags, and basic kitchen essentials. It may also include amenities specific to the vacation rental, such as coffee or tea station supplies, spices, welcome baskets, or other special touches that enhance the rental experience.

Final Walkthrough and Quality Check

Before declaring the turnover process complete:

  1. Conduct a final walkthrough
  2. Inspect each room thoroughly to ensure all cleaning tasks are completed according to the cleaning protocol.
  3. Pay attention to details, such as properly made beds, spotless surfaces, fresh-smelling rooms, and well-organized and inviting spaces.

This final step guarantees that your property is ready to welcome the next set of guests.

Discover the Benefits of TIDY's Integrated Solution for Your Rental Properties

To further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your turnover cleaning service, consider leveraging TIDY's integrated solution for your vacation rental properties. Tidy offers a comprehensive platform that streamlines and automates various aspects of property management, including turnover cleaning. Tidy's solution includes customizable checklists, task management tools, real-time updates, and performance tracking. Check out TIDY today!

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