
TIDY 5.1: Faster, Easier Scheduling Improvements

May 1, 2024

For our 5.1 release, we have focused relentlessly on making the Schedule section of the app faster to use. Property Managers have told us time and time again that speed matters to them. While or 5.0 release improved loading times by most pages up to 90%, we knew we had more work to do on the Schedule section. They want to be able to assign jobs with a tap, see what is going on across their properties, and take actions with fewer steps. This is always a challenge, because each property manager works with their pros in unique ways, meaning there is no 1 size fits all answer. TIDY is so powerful and helpful, that making it easier to use was a huge challenge, one that we are very proud of.

We are excited to announce the launch of TIDY 5.1, where we have reduced the number of clicks to take common actions by up to 80%.

TIDY 5.1 includes:

  • Most actions can be taken from the Schedule Page, without going to a new page.
  • The Schedule page is now more information dense, so you can see more of what is happening across all your properties. Job statuses are more detailed, and icons visually show the status.
  • Some job changes can be made with just a tap, without even opening the job.

Here is how this looks in practice:

Our upgraded card types show more information from job type, status, time, pro, and vidual icons.

Tapping now brings up a side view for more details, so you don't need to leave the page to make most changes. Assigning can be done with just 1 tap, using our "Smart Suggestions" powered by TIDY AI. We review your past decisions, and suggest what you may want to book. This makes it easier for you to make requests, but of course its all easily changed too.

Booking or requesting times is now easier, from the siderail. We show inline recent pros you have worked with, so you can more easily see their schedules to book them or request times from them.

For many jobs, you can now easily toggle information without having to even pop a side panel. Just tap the dropdown and pick a new pro.

We also fixed over 40 bugs in the scheduling process, and generally made sure things were smooth and fast. We are proud of this release, but we aren't done yet! Our 5.2 release has even more changes to the schedule page based on over 100 hours of user feedback. Not everything made the cut for this version, but there is more to come. If you have any suggestions at all, please let us know how we can improve the Schedule page, or any page.

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