So, you’ve just cleaned your home thoroughly. Think that’s enough? Well, think again! Our homes can fell into disarray really quickly and need constant maintenance. The good news, however, is that this can be done little by little, even if you don’t have much time to clean every day. Here’s how…
1) Keep cleaning supplies stored throughout your home.
Especially if your home is quite large, dragging cleaning supplies around can be a real pain. Instead, keep a stash in a few key locations throughout your home. This way, if you need to quickly wipe down or dust surfaces, you have everything at hand! Also, it eliminates the need to deep clean your home quite as often.
2) Use rugs and runners.
In high traffic areas, you will find that there is often an accumulation of dust and dirt. An easy way to clean these areas is to place rugs or runners down and simply vacuum these every few days when time is tight. In addition, this saves wear and tear on the carpet or wood surfaces underneath.
3) Always have a doormat at each door: inside and outside.
You would be surprised at the amount of dirt that is collected on doormats! If you have a doormat at every door, both inside and outside, the amount of dirt that will enter your home will be greatly reduced, meaning…much less work for you!
4) Set your dining table: permanently.
Want to prevent your family from using the dining table as a repository for general items such as backpacks, laptops, paperwork, keys, etc? Then simply keep the table beautifully and elegantly set…permanently! There will then be no space for them to put additional items, not to mention that they will not want to spoil the lovely appearance of the set table!
5) The Downstairs - Upstairs Rule.
Going upstairs? Whenever you go upstairs, make it a general rule to always bring something from downstairs that belongs upstairs. There will always be something- whether it is some laundry, a toy or a book. If you do this on a regular basis, your house will soon begin to look so much neater.
6) Clean the baseboards with dryer sheets.
Ok, so you probably won’t be cleaning your baseboards every day, but when you do clean them, do so with dryer sheets attached to a Swiffer sweeper. This method will repel dust for ages. In addition, the dryer sheets will have your home smelling incredibly fresh!
7) Groom your pets outside.
Particularly if you have long-haired dogs or cats, grooming them inside can cause a major accumulation of dust bunnies in a very short span of time. Although unpleasant in winter, groom them outside and let nature take care of cleaning up the mess!
8) The daily 10-minute power clean.
A daily 10-minute power clean can really make a world of difference! Set the timer and do a 10 minute power clean every single day. It is even better if you can involve every member of your family, especially the kids as they will see it as a game! Here, you can focus on an area or corner that is especially noticeable- and the key is not perfection but simply getting rid of the worst of the dirt and mess, as quickly as possible.
9) Buy a compact vacuum cleaner.
Many people do not regularly vacuum because they feel it is such a pain hauling out their vacuum cleaner from the closet. If, however, you have a compact vacuum cleaner, the task of vacuuming could be so much easier with the device easily at hand. You could simply devote 5 minutes to it every evening. That's definitely something to consider, isn’t it?
10) Buy machine washable curtains.
Save precious time (and money) vacuuming your curtains and then hauling them off to the dry cleaners by replacing them with machine washable ones. Not only will you be able to throw them in the washing machine when they are dirty, but you can also simply hang them up once clean and you will never have to vacuum a single curtain again! A great time saver!
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